Dawn Demers
Located in Port Saint John, Florida, Dawn Demers is a dynamic professional who possesses 25 years of experience in business management, as well as 15+ years in entrepreneurship. Equipped with a positive attitude, inventive spirit, and keen eye for problem-solving, strategic planning, and development, Dawn is the epitome of versatility.
She began her career at a Fortune 500 insurance company in 1989. Throughout her nine-year tenure, Dawn acquired and honed vital interpersonal and leadership skills that would aid her in her greatest and most worthwhile venture to date: advocating and providing services for children with special needs and their families.
The inspiration to completely shift gears came when Dawn had her first child, a daughter, whose need for lifelong care and guidance became apparent by the time she turned three. Given the inherent complexities of caring for her daughter, Dawn made the decision to alter her lifestyle, ending her career in corporate America and trading it for learning all she possibly could about her daughter’s needs. She began by spending one night a week in the next state over, where she attended an advocacy class that cemented her calling to not only provide the best care for her daughter but to pass such vital information along to others as well.
As a result, Dawn Demers formed Oxford Hills Parent Awareness, a non-profit organization that provided support to families and persons with disabilities through advocacy, training, group facilitation, spearheading service initiatives, and obtaining funding through grants and other opportunities, which ultimately merged with the statewide parent awareness organization disseminating the training Dawn developed not only on a regional but also on a statewide basis. Additionally, Dawn and her colleagues served as liaisons with government agencies to develop policies, and coordinated with provider groups and lobbyists to lobby for positive legislative change for the client population.
Once the organization was thoroughly up and running, Dawn chose to focus more time and energy on her personal development, which she could then channel back into her family and various efforts. As such, she completed her Bachelor’s in Business Administration at the University of Phoenix in 2004 and earned her Masters of Science in Psychology with a specialization in Educational Psychology from Capella University in 2007.
As life has continued to evolve, however, Dawn Demers has found herself dedicating more and more energy to helping people to overcome life’s obstacles, live their potential and create positive change in their lives through providing life coaching, business consulting, energetic and intuitive guidance. Over time, Dawn’s client niche naturally narrowed to focus on empowering women like herself, who were navigating changes and struggles in the areas of health and aging, relationships, finances, spirituality and who were simply seeking the joy and fun in life’s adventures. Utilizing her knowledge of life and spirituality, Dawn has made it her mission to uplift others and encourage them to lead balanced, energized, and inspired lives. Through this newfound vision, Dawn not only applied her skills as a trusted life coach and business consultant, but she also became one of the creative minds behind 360 Way of Life, a vibrant, online community of women who are 50+ years old and have committed to revamping and enhancing their everyday lives.
To learn more about Dawn Demers and her professional and creative ventures, be sure to visit her blog page, which will be updated regularly with related content.

Recent Blogs
The Best Businesses for Women Over 50
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Being Open to Change
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Tips for Finding Friendship After 50
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