Dawn Demers’ Blog

Productivity Tips That May Surprise You
When it comes to working or any goal that comes to mind, people are continually trying to find ways to finish things faster. Thus, some find themselves utilizing some basic productivity methods such as doing their difficult tasks first, doing their easy work quickly,...

Finding Purpose After Retirement
Having a sense of purpose in life is what motivates us. It shapes our goals, guides our decisions, and influences our actions. Throughout most of our adult lives, our sense of purpose and meaning is driven in large part by the work we do. People often invest time and...

Common Mistakes that Hold Female Entrepreneurs Back
Recently, being a female entrepreneur myself, I’ve been thinking a lot about what holds us back in the business world. And while there’s not a single truth for all of us, collectively, I believe there are a few mistakes that are common for female entrepreneurs to make...

The Best Businesses for Women Over 50
In recent years, the media's focus has been on young people making a change in the world. Whether it's Greta Thunberg leading the charge on climate change or some of the baby-faced tech entrepreneurs, it seems like the focus of industry and culture is on the young....

Being Open to Change
Change, it is happening all the time in big ways and small ones. It is one of the only guarantees we have in life. Regarding change, it has been said that what doesn't bend breaks. This age old adage tells us the importance of being flexible and advises us that...

Tips for Finding Friendship After 50
Throughout our lives, we’re thrown together with people in various situations, making it relatively easy to find friends. During our formal schooling, we’re bound to find others that share our interests, and we end up becoming friends. Then as we get older, in our...

The Rise of Female Entrepreneurship
In recent years the economics in the U.S. has made a steady rise upward. Part of this can be seen due to the strength and success of small businesses. And one positive trend that can be seen with this is the rise of female entrepreneurship. The number of women in...

Best Business Books by Women, for Women
The number of female business leaders continues to fall short when compared to the hordes of male executives and founders. Luckily, though the numbers still aren’t close to even, female entrepreneurship is, in fact, on the rise. Even more exciting is the fact that 71%...

Confidence: The Best Business Strategy
There are many skills a person must acquire in order to be successful in business. These can range from skills in communication, leadership, and networking. To be a master of any of these skills, every successful businessperson has to have confidence. Confidence is...

Developing A Stellar Business Plan
Creating a solid business plan is the first step to opening and operating a successful business. It is a key step that cannot and should not be skipped. Aside from it being a good idea to have a plan before opening a business, nearly all lenders require new...